Monday 7 February, 2011, Moore College
Session 1: Introducing the Priscilla and Aquila Centre (John Woodhouse and Jane Tooher)
- Introductory talk by Jane Tooher.
- Introductory talk by John Woodhouse.
- Talk 1: Genesis 1–3 by Peter Jensen (not recorded).
Session 2:
- Talk 2: Genesis 1–3 + Q & A by Peter Jensen (not recorded).
- Equality? Unity? Is one more biblical? (Mark Thompson) (PDF)
- Working with men (Kara Gilbert and Tracey Gowing)
- Women’s ministry: a personal reflection (Tara Thornley)
- Ministry as a married couple: a personal testimony (Stewart and Helen Binns)
- Conflict in marriage (Keith Condie)
- Working with women (Phil Wheeler, Joshua Ng, Rick Smith and Paul Dale)
- Reaching men and women in our broken world (Hayley Neal)
- Does Gen 1-3 have implications for men and women in the workplace? (Caroline Spencer, Mark Thompson, John Woodhouse) (PDF of Caroline Spencer’s paper)